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# Guestbook Version 2.3.1 #
# Copyright 1996 Matt Wright mattw@worldwidemart.com #
# Created 4/21/95 Last Modified 10/29/95 #
# Scripts Archive at: http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/ #
# If you run into any problems while trying to configure this scripts, help #
# is available. The steps you should take to get the fastest results, are: #
# 1) Read this file thoroughly #
# 2) Consult the Matt's Script Archive Frequently Asked Questions: #
# http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/faq/ #
# 3) If you are still having difficulty installing this script, send #
# e-mail to: scripts-help@tahoenet.com #
# Include any error messages you are receiving and as much detail #
# as you can so we can spot your problem. Also include the variable#
# configuration block that is located at the top of the script. #
# #
# Hopefully we will be able to help you solve your problems. Thank you. #
# Copyright 1996 Matthew M. Wright All Rights Reserved. #
# #
# Guestbook may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long as #
# this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using this #
# code you agree to indemnify Matthew M. Wright from any liability that #
# might arise from it's use. #
# #
# Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is #
# expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and #
# make money off of my program. #
# #
# Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or #
# in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact.#
There are five files included in the Guestbook package. Below is a brief
summary of them:
1) README - This file.
2) guestbook.pl - The Perl Script.
3) guestbook.html - The actual guestbook file.
4) addguest.html - The fill-out form for a guestbook entry.
5) guestlog.html - A short log of those who have added.
Below is a more detailed explanation of each file and what to do with it!
GUESTBOOK.PL - This is the Perl script that actually writes new entries to
files and returns the entry to the user. This file will need to be placed
in the cgi-bin of your server and chmoded to a+rx. There are a few things
that need to be changed in this file:
# Set Variables
$guestbookurl - The url address of your guestbook.html file
$guestbookreal - The system location of your guestbook.html file
$guestlog - The system location of your guestlog.html file
$cgiurl - The url portion of the address to the guestbook.pl file
The file guestbook.pl needs to be placed in your server's cgi-bin and
chmoded read/execute for users of your httpd. (chmod a+rx)
NEW IN 2.1:
There are now several options that you have to decide whether
or not to use. Below is a brief description of what each one does.
While choosing what options you want to have on keep in mind that a '1'
will turn them on and a '0' will turn them off.
Option 1: $mail - This option will allow you to be notified via
an E-Mail address when a new entry arrives in your guestbook.
The entry will be mailed to you as a notification. If you should
choose to turn this variable on you will need to fill in the 2
variables that go along with it:
$recipient - Your E-Mail address, so that the mailing
program will know who to mail the entry to.
$mailprog - The location of your sendmail program on your
host machine.
Option 2: $uselog - This will allow you the ability to use my
short log feature. It is already turned on so you will have to
change it to 0 if you do not wish to use it. I have implemented
this feature, since there are probably many people who feel no need
to have a log when people are making entries to a file anyway.
Keep in mind it will show errors which is one nice aspect about it.
Option 3: $linkmail - Turning this option on will make the
address links in your guestbook become hyperlinked. So instead of
simply having (name@some.host) it will put
(<a href="mailto:name@some.host">name@some.host</a>) so that anyone
can simply click on the address to email them.
Option 4: $separator - While looking at many other guestbooks
I noticed that many people prefer to separate entries with
a Horizontal Rule <hr> instead of a Paragraph Separator <p>, which
I used in my old scripts. I have now given you the option to
choose. By changing the 0 in the script to a 1 you will turn on
the <hr> separator and turn off the <p> separator. The 0 option
will do the reverse of that; turn on <p> and turn off <hr>.
Option 5: $redirection - Although Netscape and other browsers handle
the auto-redirection that I have implemented quite nicely, I have
noticed that it does not work with lynx (a text based browser).
I have given you the option of using auto-redirection or not.
Lynx can still add to your guestbook with it, they will just get an
error message when they do. This may not be true for all systems
though. It seemed that when we upgraded to httpd 1.4 this problem
started occurring. By choosing 1 you will enable auto redirection
and 0 will return a page to the user telling them their entry has
been received and click here to get back to the guestbook.
NEW IN 2.2:
There are a couple new options in version 2.2, which you will
need to configure, or leave as default.
Option 6: $entry_order - When this script was first written, entries
were always added next to the top, so you and other users did not
have to always see the same guestbook entry when they visited your
pages. The rest of the enties scrolled beneath the newest, from
newest to oldest. I have had requests that I make an option
available so that people can have a guestbook which would read
from oldest to newest. This is how you would go about doing that.
Set this option to '0' and the newest entries will be added below
the rest of the entries. Keep this option at '1' and the guestbook
will act like previous versions, adding the newest entry to the top.
Option 7: $remote_mail - Many users of the guestbook have requested
that a form letter be automatically sent to the remote user when
they fill in the guestbook. Turning this option on will tell the
script to automatically mail any user who leaves an email address.
You can specify the contents of the mail mesage by editing the
section of the script that sends mail to the remote user. By
default it sends a message that says, "Thank you for adding to my
guestbook." and then shows them their entry. If you should
choose to turn this variable on you will need to fill in the 2
variables that go along with it:
$recipient - Your E-Mail address, so that the mailing
program will know who to mail the entry to.
$mailprog - The location of your sendmail program on your
host machine.
NEW IN 2.3!
There is one new configurable option in version 2.3 of the
Option 8: $allow_html = "";
This option allows you to turn on or off the use of HTML tags by
users of your guestbook. Setting this variable to '1' allows
users to imbed html tags such as <b> or <H1> or <a href=""></a>
into your html document. Setting this variable to '0' will not
allow them to use any html syntax in their comments or any other
field. You can still link to their email address by turning
$link_mail to '1'.
Also new in version 2.3 is the ability for users to add their own url
and then their name is referenced to their URL in the guestbook.html
file. This helps to eliminate the need for allow_html to be turned
on, and lets users point you to a spot that will tell you more about
them. Several users of the guestbook script have asked for this
option. If you wish to disable the option, simply delete the
following line from your addguest.html file:
URL: <input type=text name=url size=50><br>
NEW IN 2.3.1!
Option 9: $line_breaks - This option allows you to decide whether
or not you want line breaks in the comment field to be turned into
<br>'s in the html thing to retain the look of the guestbook entry.
Common setting would be off, because sometimes people accidentally
put in extra line breaks.
GUESTBOOK.HTML - This is the file that you will link to that will contain the
Guestbook Entries. You will need to have this set at write/read permission
for the users (chmod a+rw). You will probably need to edit the url for the
link to the addguest.html file and edit the url at the end of this page to
point back to your home page. You will also want to edit the title and
heading spaces. Do not delete the line <!--begin--> from this
guestbook, or else the script will have no way of knowing where to begin the
editing. The <!--begin--> line is the only necessary line in your
guestbook.html file, but the link to the addguest.html file is also a good
idea. :)
ADDGUEST.HTML - This is a fill-out form to add a new entry into the
guestbook. You will need to edit parts of it to correct urls and
names of things, but leave the basic field names in place in the form. You
will also need to change the action of the form to point to the guestbook.pl
file you placed in your cgi-bin. The action of the form should be the same
as the $cgiurl variable you configured in your guestbook.pl file.
GUESTLOG.HTML - This is a short log that lists domains and times that entries
were created. Much easier to browse and it will point out those failed entries
when users did not specify a name or comments. This file will also need
read/write permission given to it. To avoid long scripting (call me lazy if
you want :-) ) I left the log file so that newest entries are added at the
bottom. This should be apparent though since the entries all come with a
short date added. You can get around using this by changing the option
$uselog in the guestbook.pl file.
Bug Fixes in Version 2.1:
1) I changed the guestbook script so that the subroutines now work.
I guess I really messed up in Version 2.0, since I didn't test it
well, so I tried to be extra careful this time.
2) In the subroutines I added a complete new form so that people
who forget to put their name in can simply fill it in, while the
script retains the rest of the information and it will them be
added. This means that they don't have to first return to the
guestbook add form to fill out the entry all over again.
Bug Fixes in Version 2.2:
1) I seemed to have a huge parenthesis problem in version 2.1. I
messed up twice in the mail option and also in the guestbook
printing, when the ')' was put inside the <a href> mailto tag,
instead of outside like the first one. The mail option was
missing two parenthesis which caused it not to work on many
machines. These have both been fixed.
2) <>'s were used instead of () in the guestbook email addresses.
Bud fixes in Version 2.3:
1) Fixed Server Side Includes Security whole in script.
Distribute this freely, but please leave my name and address somewhere in it.
Not necessarily in the Guestbook, but somewhere in the script. I cannot
guarantee the safety or integrity of this package, I only did my best. It is
being used many places and people seem to like it.
I would love to see improvements on this and if you happen to have an idea or
make the changes, please let me know or send me a copy. If you have any
comments or suggestions you can reach me at the email address at the top of
this document. I would appreciate any feedback or info you have for me.
One thing that I do ask is that you let me know the url of where this is being
used. I won't be mad if I don't, but it is nice to see my work on the WWW.
Also by letting me know this and your email address I guess this is all I need
to know to consider you registered and then I will be able to let you know of
updates to the scripts, etc...
History List:
Version 1.1 5/13 - chop($shortdate); added to make log file more
Version 2.0 5/26 - Several lines of code added and modified so that
entries now appear most recent entry first.
- Many lines taken out so that the script automatically
returns you to the guestbook after you have completed
the add form.
Version 2.1 5/29 - Edited subroutines so that they now work. Added fill
out form to the subroutines to make less jumps to fill
out guestbook.
6/1 - Added the option of mailing the owner of the guestbook
when a new entry arrives.
6/5 - Added the option to hypertext the email address of the
guest and you can now choose whether to log the entry
or not.
6/7 - chop($date); added and the guestbook entry modified.
Version 2.2 8/23 - Tiny Modifications:
- Parenthesis for email address in entry
changed to brackets, so that the email address
can more easily be cut and pasted into most
email programs.
- Other minor changes
8/24 - Logging now a subroutine.
- Code tabbed better to make more readable. This was
one of my worst scripts up until now in that respect.
- Option to have newest entries displayed at the bottom
instead of at the top added.
- E-mail option now fixed so the names come through
with the email messages.
- Modified the subroutines, so when an error message is
submitted, people don't see just a 2 letter field for
the State. I guess I was just ignorant before, not
realizing this would be around the world, where not
everyone uses 2 digits for their state. :)
Version 2.21 10/8 - Fixed a problem with logging entry, which caused the
log to be on one line when viewed with a WWW browser.
Version 2.3 10/14 - Added option of allowing html tags or throwing them
out when an entry was added.
- Fixed a hole in the script, which, when html is
turned on, like it always used to be, people could
add random server side includes to your html pages.
Not cool. Thanks to:
Rick O'Donnell (odonnell@heron.tc.clarkson.edu)
for pointing out the flaw and providing a fix.
- Added an optional URL field in the add an entry form
and modified the script to place the reference
around the submitter's name.
Version 2.3.1 10/29 - Took out all references to $server, which were
accidentally left in version 2.3.
- Added an option to let you change line breaks in
comment field to <br>'s in html doc.
- Added several die routines so maybe I won't get
as many mail messages as to "Why doesn't this work!"
Matt Wright - mattw@worldwidemart.com - http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/